Chipotle Baked Pita Chips (125g Pack)
Chipotle Baked Pita Chips (125g Pack)
• Proudly, for those Chipotle flavor and crunch lovers, let us present our new product, the Pita Chips. This Chipotle Pita chip has been described as a mix of many things, from freshly baked pita bread that many claim to have caught Chipotle’s tanginess. The little spicy smoky flavor increases the spiciness level with the taste buds.
• A lot of people prefer their chips savory because it hits the taste buds differently from the usual fries thus the Chipotle Pita Chips flavor introduces you to the hot scene. The chips are presented to be as thin as a rice grain with a crunchy outside that suits your mood.
• We make our pita chips tasty and possess an exciting and crunchy kind. Made from fresh farm products, every chip is crispened to a golden brown color.
• It is Eggless, Gmo Free, transfats free.